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Today's Devotion 5 Oct 2017: Have No Fear

October 05, 2017

Today's Devotion 5 Oct 2017
Have No Fear

We have been surround by bad and horrific news recently, but God wants us to have no fear and in order to accomplish that we need to place our trust in God. There is abundance of bad news in the world but with our trust in our Lord, God, we should not be afraid. Let us seek God and rely on Him; believe in Him for He is our living Savior. When your world starts to spin out of control come to God and pour your heart out to Him. Do not waste energy fuming instead focus on praying. We are to come to God for direction as well as for comfort. He will find a way for you to move forward. Our prayers reach God daily and He is not unaware of what is happening. We do not have His great understanding in how things are suppose to go so let us trust Him and seek Him; for God’s love is unfailing and so abundance and He gives it you freely.

“Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.” –Psalm 37:5

“But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me” – Micah 7:7

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