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January 26, 2018
Today's Devotion 26 Jan 2018
Let God’s Love Enfold You
Let God’s mighty Love enfold you with His Glory. Sit still and let His Love surround you and receive His Peace. This quiet moment with God will still your mind so let Him fill you with His Love, Peace and Glory. With the time you spend with God, let Him bless you and your loved ones. Let His Love form you, encompass you, and cover you as you go about your day. Focus your attention to God and let His Love enfold you with His radiant Glory.
“Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever.- Psalm 136:26
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March 16, 2023
Listen as Faith Defines Us unpacks the Bible. Here we talk about Psalm 23:1 Learn how to apply that verse to you. He is your Shepard and you shall not want. God Bless
Faith Defines Us