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Today's Devotion 24 Sept 2017: Forgiveness

September 25, 2017

Today's Devotion 24 Sept 2017

Such an easy word, yet such a hard action to do. However, if you don't forgive, you cannot grow. This is when you need to walk wit God in the freedom of forgiveness. Your path can be steep and slippery. Do not carry the burden of guilt on your back instead give it to God and it will be bury at the foot of the cross. When God unburdens you, you will be free. Stand up straight and tall in My Presence so that no one can place burdens on your back.

God always forgives us when we ask. He loves us unconditionally so we need to learn to forgive others in our lives. It is a simple thing to do but most of us struggle with doing it. Let's look to God. know that He will always forgive the wrongs done to Him so why can't we do the same? Let us learn to love and forgive. So today, forgive someone that you need to forgive. Reach out to that person and say show them the love of God for God is Love.

"Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens." - Psalm 68:19

"God is love." - 1 John 4:8

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