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Today's Devotion 23 Sept 2017: Why Bad Things Happen

September 23, 2017

Today's Devotion 23 Sept 2017
Why Bad Things Happen

Why do bad things happen? First we need to remember that God does not cause bad things to happen to anyone. Second, we are given free will and sin has its consequences. God does not punish people. He love us all and wants each of us to live in Heaven. However, He will use those bad things for good. Think of the story of Joseph. He was sold to as a slave by his bothers. He spent a few years in prison yet He was still faithful to God. God used all those "bad things" in Joseph's life for good. Joseph eventually rose to the highest position just below the king. Joseph saved hundreds of thousands of people from famine. Yes during his life, he had many hardships but never lost his faith. God used the bad events for good. When something "bad" happens to you, do not ask why but ask what I am suppose to learn from this event. Yes, it may be hard at first but trust that God loves you and He did not cause it. God is love and God is great. Keep your faith through it all, like Joseph. We all go through things in our lives that we wish that we did not go through but that is the time to really seek God and trust in His greatness to carry us through our struggles. God is always there for you. All you need to do is have faith and trust in Him.

"Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens." -Psalm 68:19

"And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand."
- John 10:28

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