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Today's Devotion 13 Sept 2017: Rest with God

September 13, 2017

Today's Devotion 13 Sept 2017
Rest with God

Come and rest with God. It is time to give your mind a break of the constant judging. We spend too much time judging this situation, that situation, that person, this person, ourselves and all the little things in our lives. When we spend time judging, we lose sight of God. We need to refocus our thoughts and place them on God. God is here for us and we need to be thankful that He is a Great God that loves us unconditionally. Stop judging and rest with God in the morning, at lunch and at bedtime. Let His love overcome your thoughts and feel His love all throughout your body and mind. Take some time today and spend it with God.

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged." -Matthew 7:1

"Now this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, who you have sent." -John 17:3

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