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Today's Devotion 08 Jan 2018: Live in God

January 08, 2018

Today's Devotion 08 Jan 2018
Live in God

If you believe and have faith, you can have a victorious life through living in a deep dependence on God. Too many people have a successful life tend to forget about God and only turn to Him during the troubles or hard times. When we truly depend on God, it goes beyond asking Him to bless what you have but it is coming to God with an open heart and open mind. You need to invite God to plant His desires in you in each step of your journey. Each failure is a growth opportunity and when you live in God, you will never be alone. Let us rely on God not only through the stumbles or problems but also on the victories because without God the victory will be worth nothing. Today we stand with God because He stands with you. Ask yourself; do you want to live in God? Give Him praises in both the good and bad times? Do you want to know your living, loving Heavenly Father? All you need to do is accept Him and you can get to learn about your Heavenly Father on a personal level and when you do, invite Him into all aspects of your life. God is a good, good Father. It is who He is.

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” -2 Corinthians 5:7

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